Identity theft is a federal crime. Typically, a bad actor finds a way to steal your personal information like your name, address, SSN, DOB, email address, financial account numbers, and banking credentials among others, in order to impersonate you. This can happen through various means including mail theft, dumpster diving, or even actually stealing your…

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The only way to achieve your financial goals is to understand your current financial situation. So, start the year by creating a budget. Our friends at have a Budget Worksheet (Making a Budget | to help you assess your current situation. You will need your monthly income, a list of recurring bills, and any…

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DATE OF SALE:Tuesday, January 14, 2025 TIME OF SALE: 2:00 p.m.(Visual inspection shall begin at 1:00 p.m. no-test driving day of auction-see contact info below to schedule) PLACE OF SALE:First Community Bank of East Tennessee444 East Center Street | Kingsport, TN 37660 For more information, please contact Dana Parkinson at 423-723-6374 or by email…

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We have been made aware of a fraudulent text message being received by some of our customers. Scammers are using this as a way to try and obtain your personal information, including your internet banking credentials. Usually, the alert text is asking if you made a specific purchase. Then, the alert asks for you to…

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Digital banking is an ever-evolving technology. Consequently, technological changes introduce an inherent and evolving risk of potential fraud. Account takeover by e-mail is one of those risks. First Community Bank of East TN takes the security of your banking information very seriously. So, as a proactive measure to provide an enhanced level of protection, effective…

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